"This album originally started out to be the first project with my band, Kim Robins and 40 Years Late. Unfortunately, during the recording session, a couple of band members left, and the only song we were able to release was "I'll Always Be A Gambler," written by our banjo player, Josh Woods. All the songs were chosen and arranged with the band in mind. The year 2020 brought on it's own challenges, and a string of personal tragedies hit my life. First, my one and only sibling, my brother Jeff, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer, my father died, COVID-19 hit, and my mother became ill. I was considered an essential worker with my job as a Registered Nurse for the Indiana State Department of Health and was busy overseeing that COVID-positive nursing homes followed CDC guidelines. I was forced to cancel my remaining 2020 bluegrass season because of everything going on in my life. I wanted to get the album released-therefore, it morphed into less of a band album and more of a "special guests" album. I am thankful to everyone who helped out on this project, especially Clay Hess and Tim Crouch. I wish it could have been the full band in it's entirety, but sometimes, "life happens," and things do not work out the way we had planned. I hope you all enjoy the project either way. I'm not sure what the future holds for me in music, but I do hope to see you all sometime soon." -Kim Robins